Thursday, June 2, 2011

Android tips and tricks

Use voice activation


If you’re walking down the street and need to send a text message, you can use the voice activation feature to instruct your Android phone what to do. This is a much better option than potentially falling headfirst into an open manhole or crashing into a pole and winding up on YouTube, only to become the laughingstock of your company and friends. To use voice activation, long press the Search button on the handset (it looks like a magnifying glass) and then speak into the phone. It is also possible to use the voice activation for various purposes, which include the following:
  • Text: send text to [recipient] [message] example: send text to stephanie meet me for burritos after work
  • Email: send email to [recipient] [subject] [body] example: send email to jack wallen reminder don’t forget to pick up pizza
  • Directions: navigate to [location] example: navigate to bazos
  • Place phone call: call [contact] [phone type] call stephanie mobile
  • Listen to music: listen to [artist/song/album] example: listen to rush tom sawyer moving pictures
  • Write note: note to self [note] example: note to self found model for among you book cover
  • Search Google: [query] example: jack wallen books
  • Open website: go to [website] example: go to amazon
  • View a map: map of [location] example: map of munich

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